Hi ladies and gents,
One year since my last post. One year with no hobby news, times runs fast that's no lie. I'm sorry for the lack of activities in the blog, real life took is toll and I'm more and more conscious that blogging is almost an hobby in itself and an absorbing one
A silent blog was by no mean equal to zero wargaming / hobby stuff during the last year, I should say quite the contrary for my usual standards. The last year saw me painting quite a lot, trying new tools and technics. As usual the dispersion factor was quite high but and this is a first, I sold a few things (my Star Wars Legion stuff mainly.)
I started and continued a lot of things in 28mm : ACW, Renaissance & Thirty Years War, Sci-Fi, I put on a stand-by the Russian Civil War collection in 1/72 scale and the Spanish Civil War in 15mm. I painted a few 1/72 XVII things, bought new and shiny rules, I occasionally carried on with the 1/35 -32 stuff. I also done some scenery for various settings and scales. I will try to post pictures of all of this in the next weeks.
Currently I'm trying to implement different forces (30-40 miniatures each side) for the Spanish Civil War but this time in 1/72 -20mm, using my old stash of Hotspur, Irregular, Minairons, BUM and some plastic soldier (Airfix) conversions. I aim to use it with the "Des tranchées au Barricades" rules link a really interesting set for skirmishing early XXth century conflicts but can be probably used well beyond. I made a small test (activation/ fire) and it looks like it can provide a fun and easy to grasp game. More about it soon.
Welcome back !
A photo session:
Overall view of the mat 90cm by 67,5cm the rules uses a grid. The terrain except the trees and the building is homemade.
From the Nationalist side Regulares advancing and taking cover in the fields.
Maybe a Magnum agency reporter was assigned to the Republican side defending the road. Capa? Taro?

Regulares officier doing briefing the reserve.

The Ejercito Popular Republicano counterpart doing the same.
Regulares about to take cover in an enclosed field.
The Republican infantry ready to receive the incoming assault.
Turbans and fez aren't a welcome sight for the Republican defenders.

A Republican Madsen lmg defending the tree line.
The Moroccans Regulares got the support of some infantry
A requisitioned car doing probably some messaging messaging missions for the for the HQ staff.